
At the end of 2019, an outbreak of pneumonia was detected in the city of Wuhan, the Chinese province of Hubei. Its causative agent was the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, also called Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus. The disease caused by the virus has already caused considerable concern throughout the world. From our article you will learn about what a new virus is, and what measures must be taken to avoid contracting dangerous pneumonia.

Уханьский коронавирус. Рекомендации от GVA

Features of Wuhan Coronavirus

The 2019-nCoV virus was first detected at the end of December 2019, and officially registered in the GenBank database on January 13, 2020. According to Chinese scientists, bats became the initial source of the virus. However, the mechanism of transmission of the virus from person to person has now been confirmed.
The incubation period of the virus can last from 1 to 14 days, an average of 7 days. The disease is manifested by symptoms of lower respiratory tract lesions: shortness of breath, cough, fever.

Who and where can become infected with the Wuhan coronavirus?

We live in the open world. Therefore, single cases of 2019-nCoV infection have already been recorded in the USA, Canada, Australia, France and Germany. All these are people who came from China or somehow contacted previously infected Chinese. The main region of infection is China and Southeast Asia. As of today, January 30, out of 7783 confirmed cases of infection with Wuhan coronavirus, 7678 are in China.
At the same time, the PRC authorities are taking measures to localize the outbreak. In Wuhan, a mobile hospital with 1000 beds was built in a few days. Hubei Province has been quarantined. The mode of movement in the region is strictly limited.
We must also note that the Russian Federal Tourism Agency strongly recommends that tourists refrain from traveling to China in the near future. If the trip was purchased in advance, then you can contact the travel agency with a request to return the full cost of the tour due to a significant change in circumstances. Those tourists who are already in China are advised to avoid contact with others as much as possible and, if possible, not to leave their place of deployment.

Is it worth it to panic over the proliferation of Wuhan coronavirus

We will immediately answer the most important and worrying question of all. Pneumonia in itself, caused by the 2019-nCoV virus, cannot be fatal. However, with a combination of a number of factors, acute respiratory failure (respiratory distress syndrome) can develop.
But this is not a reason to panic. Indeed, following simple recommendations prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) will allow you to minimize the risk of contracting Wuhan coronavirus. These recommendations include:
* If possible, wash hands with soap or alcohol-based disinfectant;
* Avoid close contact with people who have a cough or fever;
* When coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth with a bent elbow or disposable towel, followed by mandatory hand washing;
* If you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath, contact a medical institution for help with a history of previous travels;
* Avoid consumption of raw or poorly heat-treated animal products;
* Try not to touch the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
As you can see, protecting yourself from a dangerous infection is not so difficult. It is simply necessary to remain vigilant and judicious. Well, and, of course, to take due care of your health. After all, the stronger the immunity - the less likely the symptoms of pneumonia to harm the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

A test system that can quickly determine the presence of Wuhan coronavirus in the body has already been developed. But so far it is distributed only in China and the USA. However, laboratory tests can accurately determine the cause of the disease in the early stages. And in case of suspected pneumonia, your doctor must take appropriate measures.
The treatment for pneumonia caused by the 2019-nCoV virus is practically no different from similar actions in other acute respiratory diseases. It includes symptomatic and supportive therapy. To date, 133 cases of complete cure for pneumonia provoked by the Wuhan coronavirus have been recorded. A vaccine for this virus is already under development.


Do not panic. New strains of viruses appear regularly. However, a reasonable approach to their own health and compliance with the main recommendations can minimize the risk of developing a serious illness. If you find yourself in another country and need help, contact Global Voyager Assistance. GVA's qualified specialists are always in touch.